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Award-Winning Full Vehicle Digital-Twins

Take advantage of the integration of world-class engineers, subject matter experts, award-winning technologies, and processes to drive actionable results and achieve your benchmarking goals.

Give Context and Purpose to Your Benchmarking Data

Vehicle teardown center - Vehicle Digital Twins, Emerging EV tech

We have taken the Automotive Benchmarking process to a whole new level. Using highly accurate Digital-Twins of full vehicles prepared using our Patented Technology, we can help you assess and benchmark a competitor’s entire vehicle or a component relative to design fitness, lightweighting targets, and program-level cost reduction goals. Take advantage of actionable insights that are available exclusively from Caresoft Global.

Digital twins icon - Vehicle Digital Twins, Emerging EV tech


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Digital twins icon - Vehicle Digital Twins, Emerging EV tech


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Digital twins icon - Vehicle Digital Twins, Emerging EV tech

Actionable Results

Explained with videos

Digital twins for benchmarking and cost reduction
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Digital-Twins Technology for Benchmarking

Deltacosting by Terry Woychowski
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DeltaCosting™ approach to drive Cost Reduction.

Global Technology Center
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Global Technology Centers

Drive Actions, Not Data

We are about giving our customers the much-needed insights, knowledge, and actionable results to transform their benchmarking programs because data without context and purpose is of no use!

Exclusive Advanced Data

Gain actionable insights with our exclusive advanced data on EV tech, electrical systems, BIW, and much more.

Traditional Teardown

Access highly detailed teardown data along with several unique perspectives such as component-level comparisons. 

Drive Cost Reduction Programs

Drive cost reduction, eliminate waste, and refine design fitness.

Customer acceptance rate of Cost Reduction ideas for implementation: >75%

Our World Excellence awards recognize the outstanding achievements of Ford Motor Company’s top-performing suppliers around the world. Suppliers like Caresoft Global are key to Ford’s continued success as we work towards our goal of becoming the world’s most trusted mobility company.
Hau Thai-Tang
Chief Product Development & Purchasing Officer, Ford Motor Company

The Digital-Twin Technology and Process

High-Energy Scan Output
High-Energy Scan Output
Post-processing of High-Energy Scan Output to differentiate components and materials
Post-processing of High-Energy Scan Output to differentiate components and materials
Full Vehicle 3D CAD
Full Vehicle 3D CAD
Highly Detailed CAD
Highly Detailed CAD
Mesh for CAE studies
Mesh for CAE studies
Virtual Crash Analysis
Virtual Crash Analysis
Electrical Systems Routing
Electrical Systems

Deliverables and Packages


Digital-Twins and EV Technology Insights

Global Digital-Twins Package

Insights to optimize lightweighting and packaging strategies, crashworthiness of design and more. 


  • Full Vehicle Digital-Twin Data:
    •  3D CAD models for full vehicle, systems and subsystems with 3D Harness routing
    • Full vehicle CAE data, crash models with frontal crash simulation
    • CFD - External aerodynamic analysis
    • CFD - HV Battery coolant flow analysis 
Insights on:
  • Strategize lightweighting and packaging strategies

  • Alternate material strategies  

  • Crashworthiness of design

  • NVH, stiffness studies with different boundary conditions

  • Harness routing 

Global Advanced EV Tech. Data

Understand battery architecture, thermal and power retention strategies, battery management system integration methods from the latest EVs around the world. 

  • HV battery architecture report

  • HV battery cell studies

  • E-Motor advance studies 

Insights on:
  • HV battery structural part definition

  • HV thermal strategies - Microstructure - Anode/Cathode materials

  • Power retention strategies

  • Stator and Rotor construction material studies

  • Strategically defined magnetic field strength  

  • Battery design and safety

  • BMS integration 


Advanced Data, Teardown, and Motorshows

Global Advanced Data

Exclusive insights into BIW, Chassis kinematics, HV/LV harness architecture and lot more.  

  • 3D surface point-cloud data

  • Ergonomic assessments 2D Layout

  • BIW studies

  • Chassis studies 

  • Electrical architecture studies

  • Vehicle electronics - HMI

  • Full vehicle cooling circuits 

Insights on:
  • Modularity, configuration, space claim analysis, and packaging

  • Chassis kinematics  

  • Thermal management system design and performance 

  • Coolant flow rate, heat dissipation in different modes

  • HV/LV harnesses architecture  

  • Communication protocols 

  • PCB to Pin level information of modules

  • Smart features of HMI unit

  • Material grade and composition studies 

  • Mixed-material strategies 


Global Teardown

Traditional teardown data cataloged relative to BoM, component-level metadata, eye-catching features, etc.

  • Parts photographs
  • Bill of materials
  • Mass and dimensions 
  • Supplier information and manufacturing details
  • Material classification (from teardown data)  
  • Exploded views 
Insights on:
  • Comparative study at component level 

  • Unique and eye-catching features

  • Specific components and its assembly location

  • Weight and material inference across components and commodities

  • Physical attributes such as mass, dimensions, supplier, etc.


Highly detailed photos of the latest vehicles launches across global motor shows.  

  • Access highly detailed photographs of vehicles launched in global motor shows

  • Including new launches, facelifts, and concepts  

  • Perform side-by-side comparisons 

Motoview.com and Iceberg 3.0
  • Motoview.com for free photos of exteriors 
  • Motorshows module inside Iceberg 3.0 for greater details

Full Vehicle Digital-Twin to DeltaCosting™

DeltaCosting™ is a process to identify cost reduction opportunities between two competing vehicles to develop the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet the engineering goals using industry expertise, vehicle digital twin data, and first principles.

Office watching vehicle teardown
Video: CAE Studies in Benchmarking

By Steve Kensett, Former Chief Body Architect, General Motors

CAE simulations and analysis in benchmarking by Steve Kensett
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Ready to get started?

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We are a technology-driven global engineering solutions company addressing challenges relative to benchmarking, product development, cost optimization, manufacturing, and aftermarket for major automotive OEMs, off-highway, commercial vehicle manufacturers, and their suppliers. Our award-winning technologies combined with highly evolved processes enable our customers to gain actionable insights that accelerate R&D programs, fuel growth decisions, cut costs, and improve efficiencies.